Mission-driven, economic development real estate initiatives are different from traditional real estate. Our approach is specifically suited to universities and institutions and is built on four core philosophies:
o Comprehensive strategic visions
o Complete business plans
o Negotiated partnership structures
o Customized real estate solutions.

We created and employ a “service-based” approach to real estate development that differs from the “product-based” approach of much of the real estate development industry. This approach enables us to form strong, vital partnerships rather than short-term consulting relationships or real estate “deals.”

Research Parks, or “knowledge communities,” and individual projects, are successful when based upon a comprehensive, thoughtfully formed Strategic Business Plan. All too often business plans are prepared by an individual specialist who organizes the entire plan around that specialty. We approach business planning from a comprehensive viewpoint and develop all components of the plan concurrently, which allows all issues to interact with and influence one another so that the plan maximizes its potential. It is this interaction that promotes creativity.
Knowledge communities are too complex for “off-the-shelf” solutions. Success is attainable when all aspects are considered from the ground up.
The Strategic Business Plan must always:
o Clearly state goals of the public sector partner, so the balance of the plan is in support of them
o Clearly state roles and responsibilities of both the public sector and private sector partners
o Clearly assign risk – and appropriate reward – to both parties
o Align both the short and long term goals and objectives of the parties